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About Us

What is the Episcopal Church?


“This is the Jesus Movement, and we are The Episcopal Church, the Episcopal branch of Jesus’ movement in this world.” - Presiding Bishop Michael B. Curry 

The Episcopal Church is part of the Anglican Communion. Our tradition is a blending of protestant and catholic Christianity in which Christians of either tradition may find a home where each tradition enriches and fulfills the other. Our doctrine is based in Scripture, Tradition and Reason. We are in full communion with the Evangelical Lutheran Church of America and other global denominations, and welcome all searching for a spiritual home. 

Our Staff
Rev. Judith Ferguson

Pastor for West Point

A graduate of Sewanee, University of the South, has been with the Parish since the summer of 2001.  She also serves as the Episcopal civilian chaplain to West Point, serving Episcopal cadets, professors, families, singles and alumni. Rev. Judy is faithfully maintaining our ministry through our rector transition.

Rev. Jan Nunley

Interim Rector

The Rev. Jan Nunley has served as interim priest at Holy Innocents  and St. Mark’s since 2022. Ordained priest in 1995 by Bishop Barbara Harris, she officially retired in 2019, but that didn’t last long. Mother Jan has served at all levels of the Church as rector, priest-in-charge, director of communications, media liaison, Deputy for Communications on the Presiding Bishop's staff and deputy director of Episcopal News Service. Born in Mississippi and raised in south Texas, she is proud to call herself an adopted New Yorker, living in Peekskill since 2000 with her wife, Susie, and a succession of rescued senior Alaskan Malamute dogs. She is an avid gardener, with a certificate in permaculture design, and a voracious consumer of (mostly) nonfiction, especially US and world history.

(Photo credit: Ocean Morisset)

Emily Murphy

Music Director & Organist

Emily graduated from SUNY New Paltz in 2011 with a B.S. in Piano Peformance & Contemporary Music Studies (Pre-Music Therapy). She holds an Advanced Certificate in Music Education and an M.S. in Education from the Aaron Copland School of Music, Queens College, CUNY. Emily is a public school music teacher.

Our Vestry
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